For a year, I have been accused of being a hypocrite for criticizing everyone else but having a soft spot for Barack. My critiques on his policies apparently are not enough evidence of my independence. But the President has now handed me a perfect stick to whip him. I am, if you haven't realized yet, talking about his "tax paying" cabinet nominees.
Let me lay the full opprobrium out first. The President, dint just "screw it up", as he kept suggesting. He has shown himself in such poor light that I now doubt his capability to bring about "change we can believe in". At least 3 nominees with just tax problems!!!!!! One more with issues on her Husband's activities. A former lobbyist in the Defense Dept. An attorney General who is everything you dont want in one: no independence from his bosses (refer Mark Rich). And a new Commerce Secretary who voted to wind up his own office. Lets not even start on his old choice for Commerce.
My suggested solution to the President: if you are serious about ethics reform, start by cleaning your own stables. First, Geithner HAS TO GO. Hell, the entire financial system can collapse if necessary, but the head of the IRS cannot NOT KNOW how to pay his taxes properly. Can every tax payer get away with this? Will only those who are offered roles and vetted be discovered for evasions?
Second, the Defence Nominee (Lynn) has to go. John McCain is right. National security cannot justify an exception. You cant make an exception to your new ethics policy for any person. Third, get rid of people who dont think their new dept. deserves to stay. Trust is more important than bipartisanship. Four, if possible, get rid of your attorney general. And finally, the secretary of state has to go if you truly believe in conflicts of interest.
In this whole episode, everyone has been bloodied. Democrats who supported Daschle, Republicans who supported Hillary and Geithner, all people in the GOP who will support Gregg and first and foremost, the President for incompetent vetting.
I regret to have to public express my views, Mr President. This is not CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. This is MORE OF THE SAME.
Further Thoughts: Let me unload further cynicism into this debate. The cabinet was supposed to be diverse: racially and gender wise. So it seems when it comes to those who have had problems. You got black (holder), white (daschle, killefer...) and hispanic (richardson) (even propotionate to their population); Men and Women; Democrat and Republican (note the allegory to his campaign speeches). If I didn't know before that America is a place where all things are possible, I know now.